
Minor in French and Francophone Studies

The French minor requires a minimum of 18 hours, including a minimum of 9 hours at the 300- and/or -400 level (see Course Details below). CLEP is available for French minors to test out of FR 131, FR 132, FR 231, and FR 232. Credit by Examination to test out of advanced French courses is also available.

Course Details

Course Inventory

  • FR 131 Elementary French I
  • FR 141 Elementary French I for Business
  • FR 132 Elementary French II
  • FR 231 Intermediate French I
  • FR 241 Intermediate French I for Business
  • FR 232 Intermediate French II
  • FR 242 Intermediate French II for Business
  • FR 331 French Grammar & Composition
  • FR 335 Scientific French
  • FR 336 African Francophone Literature
  • FR 347 Contemporary France
  • FR 348 Contemporary Francophone Cinema
  • FR 432 Business French
  • FR 438 Directed Study
  • FR 439 French Influence in Africa
  • LANG 338-03 Special topics in Foreign Language/ Parisian Culture (Study Abroad Only)

French-Related Activities

Students can join in communities below and Fundraiser activities, community service requirements, events sponsored by French Consulate and Alliance Française, networking with local French native speakers and International Students’ Association, Mardi Gras Galveston, Festival International de Louisiane, Film Festivals, study abroad scholarship opportunities, peer to peer tutoring and mentoring, 2 trips to Paris so far and so on.

  • TSU Paris Noir Faculty Led Study Abroad Program (SUMMER II)

Specifically designed to meet the needs and interests of Texas Southern University students who are part of the newest generation of a global community, the course will combine topics in French language and civilization (Dr. Marylise Caussinus), as well as African and African American Art (Dr. Alvia Wardlaw), and a seminar on African American Expatriate Singers (Dr. Jason Oby).

For more information about the French program and the Paris Noir Study Abroad Program, please contact:

Dr. Marylise Caussinus
World Language Program Coordinator, Professor of French